Attack Surface Management - What's old is new again!!


Attack Surface Management (ASM), a new sexy approach to cyber security visibility. 

"How about we try to see what systems are exposed to the public Internet  so we can make sure they are being secured."

ASM is not Vulnerability management (detection of cyber security weaknesses) but rather takes a step back to answer the question, "What do I need to secure?" but is can also help identify the SBoM (Software Bill of Materials) across deployed systems.

Attack Surface Management (ASM) which provides you the ability to see all services exposed to the public internet across your global estate. As new systems are deployed, decommissioned or a system changes, ASM can inform you of the event.  This is done in real-time and on a continuous basis in most cases.

I wrote a bog in 2018  when we first introduced Edgescan's ASM solution which has evolved since by including both API discovery and multi-region monitoring.

API discovery locates exposed API endpoints using multilayered probing techniques. In many cases organizations simply don't know what API's they have exposed this can be due to poor asset management or the fact that some web application frameworks deploy an API by default.

Multi-Region monitoring: performs ASM from different source IP's globally to help you understand if there are any Geo-related traffic controls you may not see by scanning from a single Geo-IP.

The value of ASM is to provide real-time information as systems change and to help identify and alert you of items which may require attention such as exposed services, insecure protocols, rogue deployments, outdated software and so on.

Features we employ in edgescan ASM are as follows:

  • Fast network host discovery and asynchronous port scanning across the whole global perimeter. Allowing the identification of networking devices, platforms, operating systems, databases and applications.
  • Mapping and indexable results which help determine which service ports are present and listening for transactions. The can result in detecting exposed ports, vulnerable services or misconfigured firewalls.
  • Customizable scan profiling – to help us be specific about the services and systems you care about, say a random high port system or specific service in a specific region.
  • Service Detection – Discovery of exposed services based on response fingerprints and identifiers. Resulting in discovery of older or deprecated exposed systems. Coupled with continuous vulnerability management this is very effective of rapid detection of weaknesses due to Vulnerable and outdated software.
  • On demand live retests on exposed ports. As you close off exposures you may want on-demand probing to ensure you have fixed the exposure.
  • Historical host information for point in time reads of endpoints. Detailing a history of historical discoveries can assist with incident reporting and root cause analysis.
  • Detection of misconfigured ACL's or Firewall rules leading to service exposure resulting in weakness.
  • Customizable targeted alerting, which notifies you automatically of any potential exposures (e-mail, webhook, SMS) in real time.
  • IoT detection; as we know lots of vulnerable IoT deployed out there, much of it connected to corporate networks and much of it with little or no security controls enabled.

...We have observed very effective cyber security programs when ASM is coupled with continuous full stack vulnerability management, in particular if the newly discovered assets via ASM are automatically assessed for vulnerabilities. In effect ASM and vulnerability management working together...resulting in rapid vulnerability detection and response....

For real precision and fidelity, ASM combined with fullstack vulnerability coverage is required. ASM is not an application security or a network security solution but a full stack visibility.....

Edgescan ASM is in many cases included as a feature and is available with Edgescan's Vulnerability Intelligence Service. More at


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