Edgescan Weasel - Our new Web Security Scanning Tech


Web Application Scanning...Evolution

For the past 24 months Edgescan has been developing a new Web Scanning engine, namely "Weasel". Its a core component to the edgescan SaaS web security aspect of the service. We built it for many reasons:

  • Faster Assessment speed.
  • Increased coverage.
  • Better Accuracy.
  • More user control and configuration.
  • Improved API support and navigation.
  • More metrics.
  • Javascript/Single-Page-Application (SPA) improvement.
  • Improved content discovery.
  • Dynamic Learning

A cool thing about weasel is it has a dedicated team that not only consists of developers but also analysts and researchers. This was exciting as some of our penetration testers trained and pushed the engine and our developers implement ongoing changes. Developing a web scanning engine is certainly a treadmill and a never-ending process. Change is good, and to change often is to live well.

Dynamic Learning - Once aspect that is exciting for us is the idea of continuously integrated test cases; ensuring as new vulnerabilities are discovered they are included in our scanning without the need for client interaction or lengthy delays between version releases, while also ensuring known vulnerability test cases are up to date proof of concept's as research is discovered. - Keeping pace with change.

Scalability - In some cases clients have hundreds or thousands of web-layer targets. Weasel provides the ability to deliver a policy based service per application ensuring bandwidth throttling, schedule window scanning while also delivering both finesse and precision ensuring high quality advanced proof of concepts reflecting in cleaner intel delivered to the client.

Advanced automated content discovery - SPA indexing, development, configuration, backup file endpoint discovery. Time after time with internal and external testing we have discovered sensitive content leading to critical risk vulnerabilities which is continuously added to our checks resulting in automated detection.

Better Accuracy - Our engine uses both dynamic and static vectors to find vulnerabilities. We've worked hard on defining powerful testing vectors in order to test for vulnerabilities more efficiently but also to delivery coverage in a shorter timeframe. Of course, as ever, all findings are validated via the Edgescan core technology and expert validation in addition if required also.

API discovery and assessment: Weasel automatically searches for API manifest/Swagger files in order to detect unknown API's. API detection is a little more involved than just swagger file detection as is discussed here but once a manifest is discovered edgescan parses the file to understand how to use and navigate the API and hence test it.

With the introduction of our new Weasel scanning engine coupled with Edgescans fullstack coverage were pretty excited that we are leading the market in relation to continuous vulnerability intelligence. 

There is lots more to discuss at a later date.....

Edgescan Review:



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