BBQ Cyber Security Thoughts......
BBQ Cyber Security Thoughts...... During lockdown, I've taken to standing over the BBQ staring at the temperature gauge, lifting the lid occasionally and slow cooking various meats. Given the lockdown situation this provided a focal point for the day; something to attend to for the afternoon. When standing there in a mindful stasis things go through your head, these are some of mine... "Software testing Software, who thought that would work?" "Using systems with potential vulnerabilities to discover potential vulnerabilities in systems" "Shift Left would make more sense if development was linear" "The reliance on automation to defend against a human adversary, sounds fair.....💀" "We cant improve what we cant measure; We cant secure what we cant see." "We accept false positives in scanners (Software getting it wrong) but we don't accept vulnerabilities (Software getting it wrong)." - Software testing software. "T...