Client-Side Runtime Application Security Defence

edgescan vulnerability management
At edgescan we have built a pretty good continuous fullstack vulnerability management platform and have a list of very interesting clients across many verticals such as media, gaming, medical sciences, finance, cloud etc.

We do a good job of finding, validating and risk assessing vulnerabilities across the full stack and helping our clients manage and protect their systems from a security breach and reduce Bugbounty costs...

More Here:

An elephant in the room:
edgescan elephant

Client Security

One important part of security is a difficult "nut to crack" is client side security: 

We don't know 
  • if a user is patched;
  • using an old insecure browser;
  • is infected or compromised 
We have not way of knowing the "health of our users" whom use our web applications. 

A common vector of attack is not to attack a system or service but to attack users given they are generally less secure.

To that end the product development team have built "edge-guard' which in effect detects client-side threats and anomalies.

Many variants of malware use HTML rewriting / webinjects to redirect and steal credentials or other data by rewriting the browser pages displayed to a client.
Examples such as 
JQuery Rewriting

edge-guard detects client side attacks within the browser or DOM and can inform you if your client is infected and a possible risk to your business. Attacks such as

  • HTML rewriting,
  • Form re-direction,
  • Link spoofing,
  • XHR DOM exfiltration, and
  • DOM/Reflected XSS

can be detected by notifying the monitoring service and its users intelligence such as
  • Type of infection, 
  • IP of client, 
  • time stamp, 
  • location of incident in application (page in application).
You can get a reference implementation here:

A video explaining the overall solution is here:

edgescan RSA


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